Grow Well Christmas Party Supported in Part by Rotary Club of Gros Islet
Posted by Coleen Newman

Thursday December 17 – Grow Well’s Annual Christmas Party at the Centre saw a packed hall and a packed library of 50 happily masked Santa elves. The Christmas party was first held in 2006, shortly after Grow Well’s new library was formed. Its purpose was to encourage Gros Islet youngsters to enjoy the Centre rather than the Street as an afterschool activity.
This year, space was reserved for those under 12 who participate most diligently in our activities year round. Volunteers went all out and also received help in gifts and food from The Rotary Club of Gros Islet, Domino’s Pizza, very special supporter Dawn Floissac, and Friends of Grow Well Abroad. This resulted in a boisterously happy event to the envy of passersby and onlookers with several vowing to read more, and attend more activities and get a current Grow Well membership card…. We happily note that for the first time teenage volunteers outnumbered adults in helping bring joy. Thank you Lisa, Tiah, Shayla, Sheralyne and Amanda and also Gracy and Terry. At the end, even older teenagers showed up to reminisce—Bryan, Linus, Giselle, Chrisanke and Adonai. They reminisced about the early parties, but their best memories were of the pizzas! Cheers volunteers!
Thanks to all who contributed to this year’s success. Particularly Trustee Monique and Library volunteers Marie and Katherine with cupcakes, ice cream and juices; Liz’s Mom Margaret for beautiful wrapping the 2 parcels for Pass the Parcel game, and also for helping stuff 50 Christmas bags of goodies. Thanks to those who were brave enough to join in the fun, particularly Paul, Marie and Jonathan.
And also thanks for the organizing committee: Liz, Colleen, Ruth, Millicent and Christina. Lots of hard work… and patience… but wasn’t it worth it to see all those happy faces!!!