Use the Rotary grants tool to apply for a grant, track its progress, report on it, and search for other grants in your district.

Types of grants
The Rotary Foundation offers grants that support humanitarian projects, scholarships, and vocational training teams. Here’s an overview:

Global grants support large international projects with long-term, sustainable outcomes in one or more of Rotary’s areas of focus. They range from $15,000 to $200,000.

District grants fund smaller-scale, short-term projects that address immediate needs in your community or abroad.

Packaged grants fund up to 10 scholarships each year for students in a master’s program on water and sanitation at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in Delft, Netherlands.
The lifecycle of a Rotary grant

Rotary members plan a
project or scholarship and
build their grant application
Club and district leaders
review the application
and authorize funding
The grant’s planners
submit the application to
The Rotary Foundation
If the grant is
approved, the Foundation
issues payment
Members carry out the
project, reporting to
the Foundation annually
until the work or studies
are finished and the
grant is closed
District Grants
District grants fund smaller-scale, short-term projects that address immediate needs in your community or abroad. Each district chooses the activities it will fund.

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  • Districts may apply up to 50 percent of their District Designated Funds to a district grant each year.
  • Grant applications need to be authorized by the district governor, district Rotary Foundation committee chair, and district grants subcommittee chair and submitted to the Foundation for approval.
  • Clubs work directly with their district to get funding. Your district governor or Rotary Foundation chair should be able to tell you when to submit a request and whether you'll need to meet additional district requirements.
  • In District 7030 the deadline for submitting an application for a District Grant is September 30th.
How they’re funded
Districts may use up to 50 percent of their District Designated Fund to receive one district grant annually. This percentage is calculated based on the amount of DDF generated from a district’s Annual Fund giving three years prior, including Endowment Fund earnings. You aren’t required to request the full amount available.
You’ll receive this funding as a lump sum and then distribute it to your clubs.
Districts need to become qualified to apply for district grants. Learn more about the qualification process.
How clubs request funds
If your club is seeking district grant funding, you can apply directly to your district. Individual districts administer their own district grant programs. Check with your district to find out about available funding, application forms and guidelines, deadlines, and any other requirements.
Districts must become qualified in order to receive grant funding from The Rotary Foundation. Clubs that want to apply for global grants must also be qualified.
The qualification process helps ensure that your district or club understands your financial responsibilities, including stewardship, and is prepared to take them on. Qualification must be completed each year.
Qualify your district
Becoming qualified is simple. Your district governor, governor-elect, and Rotary Foundation chair should:
·        Read through the district qualification memorandum of understanding (MOU) on the grants application tool, answer a series of questions, and agree to the MOU
·        Conduct grant management seminars for clubs

Global grants

Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. By working together to respond to real community needs, clubs and districts strengthen their global partnerships.

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Read A Guide to Global Grants for detailed information on planning your project, applying for a grant to fund it, carrying it out, and reporting on your progress and outcome.

What global grants support

Global grants can fund:

·        Humanitarian projects

·        Scholarships for graduate-level academic studies

·        Vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about their field or to learn more about it themselves

How they’re funded

The minimum budget for a global grant project is $30,000. The Foundation’s World Fund provides a minimum of $15,000 and maximum of $200,000. Clubs and districts contribute District Designated Funds (DDF) and/or cash contributions that the World Fund matches. DDF is matched 100 percent and cash is matched at 50 percent.


Both the district or club in the country where the activity is carried out and the international partner district or club must first become qualified before applying for a global grant. Learn more about the qualification process. Your club and district Rotary Foundation chairs can help you plan how to use your District Designated Funds and learn how to qualify your club.

Submitting a successful grant application

Consult with local experts early in the planning process to build a strong project plan and global grant application. The district resource network (see below) can help.

To be approved, your application must clearly describe how your project, scholarship, or vocational training team:

·        Is sustainable — include plans for long-term success after the global grant funds have been spent

·        Includes measurable goals

·        Aligns with one of Rotary's areas of focus

·        Responds to real community needs — starting 1 July, any club or district that applies for a global grant to support a humanitarian project or a vocational training team must conduct a community assessment first and include the results in their grant application

·        Actively involves Rotarians and community members

·        Meets the eligibility requirements in the grants terms and conditions

Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed as they're received. Learn more about the Global Grant Lifecycle.

Note: Applications for scholars who will begin studies in August, September, or October must be submitted by 30 June.

Monitoring & evaluation

Measuring outcomes is an integral part of global grant projects. Proper monitoring and reporting ensure that Rotary grants have a positive impact.

Learn more in the Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement.

You will be required to fill out an online global grant report. To prepare, you can download this template.

District resource network

Local Rotarians who have expertise in Rotary’s areas of focus, global grants, and project planning are among your best resources. Experts can also include alumni, Rotaractors, Rotarian Action Group members, and The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers.

Contact your district international service chair for help connecting with the district resource network: local subject matter and project experts. If your district hasn’t appointed a committee chair, work with your district governor or write to