Snippets - Week ending 11th February 2017
1919-20 Albert S. Adams (real estate), Rotary Club of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Rotary vision: To make Rotary friendship and fellowship a living force in the world at large.
“Friendship…the craving for which brought Rotary into existence is the thing that will keep Rotary a living, vital force in the world for all time, the very foundation of our organization.”
— Address to 1920 Rotary Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
Rotary vision: To make Rotary friendship and fellowship a living force in the world at large.
“Friendship…the craving for which brought Rotary into existence is the thing that will keep Rotary a living, vital force in the world for all time, the very foundation of our organization.”
— Address to 1920 Rotary Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
The above snippet was taken from a post on ROTI (Rotarians on the Internet). It speaks to the heart of the primary issue being experienced by Rotary clubs in our district - Friendship. Friendship, or lack thereof will either cement the members of a club together as an effective force for doing good in the world, or the converse will be true where there is a lack of friendship. Worth thinking about this my friends in Rotary.