Vocational Talk - Rtn Dr. Becky Jno. Baptiste
Rtn Richard Kennedy, RC Barbados South and his guest Tonya Grahame - Left | Rtn. Dr Becky Jno. Baptiste delivering a Vocational talk on anesthesiology. |
Rtn. Lenny obviously has a weak stomach as he seemed unable to eat once he heard some of the gory detail concerning surgery without anesthetic. Not to mention that his projector did not talk to Becky's MacBook!! |
It was great to welcome Rtn. Richard and his guest Tonya to our lunch on Tuesday. In spite of a low turn out, we were treated to a quality presentation by Rtn. Becky. She traced the history of her profession back to the bad old days when people were nocked senseless before surgery all the way up to today where patients are assessed with a view to ascertaining the best drug to use given certain critical factors.