Dear fellow Rotarians,
At the beginning of a new year we like to look back at what the past year has brought us: being it lessons learned and our accomplishments.
But also we like to look ahead: make new plans to reach new goals.
The theme for 2017-18 is: Rotary: Making a Difference
In the words of RI President Ian Riseley 17-18 we will answer the question “What is Rotary” with the theme
Rotary: Making a Difference. “However each of us chooses to serve, we do it because we know our service makes a difference in the lives of others,….. we know that the work we do will change people’s lives- in ways large and small- for the better”
The best way we in District 7030 can give meaning to the theme of President Ian is by
achieving the Presidential Citation and to focus on the District Goals.
We have set District goals that are aligned with the Presidential Citation Goals
Our first priority is to build stronger clubs, with more members, that are engage and with more Rotary knowledge. Clubs which are vibrant and where we have fun; clubs which attract members but above all, retain members; Clubs which through their service show what Rotary is and that indeed Rotary is making a difference.
Stronger clubs will lead to more humanitarian service, the second goal of the district. Not only more, but more high impact projects for the community, in cooperation with the community and sustained by the community.
The 3rd goal is for the clubs to show the world our Rotary, our service to the community of which we believe will finally lead to peace.
But by doing all this we must not forget the heart of our funding system: our one-hundred-year-old Rotary Foundation. I encourage you to contribute more than ever to the Rotary Foundation. You should know, we and I mean the clubs in District 7030, received 3 times more from TRF through grants than the amount we have contributed.
In 2017-18: The focus of the District is EDUCATION
Through education we can build a world where everyone is given equal opportunities. Education is an indispensable condition if we want to do away with the existing differences between social classes and genders. It opens a whole world of opportunities for the less fortunate so that they may have an equal shot at well-paying jobs. Through education we can help others realizing their dreams and build peace!
Like the Chinese teacher and philosopher Confucius stated:
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”
So for District 7030 we twisted the International Theme a little bit to reflect our focus:
ROTARY: Making A Difference through EDUCATION
Today as District Governor I pledge to all the clubs in D7030 being it Rotary, Rotaract, or Interact, my dedication and commitment to work with you. I strongly believe that only together, as a team, we can and will make a more impactful and sustainable difference in the lives of those we serve.
My fellow Rotarians a happy and fruitful rotary year, let’s go to work and do what we do best ”Service above Self”