Meeting of November 3rd 2015
The meeting was presided over by President Elect Astrid as President Dahlia was off island. We welcomed two visiting Rotarians in the persons of Richard Spalding from the Rotary Club of Winchester and Rtn. John Williams from the Rotary Club of Edinburgh. Also, our Honorary Rotarian Chuck McCarthy from Good News Foundation popped in to update us on the work of the Foundation both in Saint Lucia and in Hurricane ravaged Dominica.
Rtn. Richard (above), Rtn. John (below) & Hon. Rtn. Dr. Charles (Chuck) McCarthy
Most of the meeting was taken up with the fine tuning of the upcoming Charity Golf Tournament. John gave us a brief summary of the work of his home club and Richard in addition to selling us some Remembrance day lapel Poppies indicated that he will work with PP Lisle as International Services director to map out the project or projects with which his home club might partner with RCGI.