End Polio Now - Zero Cases - Pass The Torch !
Posted by Sean Paddy on Apr 15, 2017
In order to increase awareness and giving to PolioPlus Rotary is rolling out a new Social Media campaign to coincide with the End Polio Now torch arriving at the International Convention in June. The torches were started as a project of the Rotary Club of Madras who has overseen the travel through multiple countries, clubs, and the past two International Conventions, raising awareness and funds to end polio. This year ...
... the torch will travel from Madras to Chattanooga (home of President John Germ). This is where the 100 mile relay, to coincide with the 100 year Foundation celebration, will start. It will culminate Saturday morning at the Grand Opening of the House of Friendship in Atlanta.
Thank-you for all you are doing in the fight to END POLIO! We will see ZERO cases and the world will be free from polio because of you and Rotarians around the world!
So let’s GO VIRAL to END POLIO NOW! - See more at: http://rotarydistrict7030.org/Stories/end-polio-now-zero-cases-pass-the-torch#sthash.5tEWItlQ.dp
In an effort to maximize this impact, we are asking every Rotarian to:
- Go to Endpolio.org and make your personal contribution.
- Upload the photo of the VirtualTorch to post on your personal, club and district Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other Social Media accounts along with a message to challenge five friends.
- For example – For Facebook / Twitter / Instagram, use: "I’m carrying the torch to reach #zerocases. I challenge you to help us #endpolio. Pass the torch and go to endpolio.org to donate today! Together we can make history and eradicate polio!"
- Finally, challenge five friends to do the same! The friends do not have to be Rotarians as we want to spread the word as far as possible through social media.
Remember ALL of these contributions will be matched 2:1 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and we have an opportunity to massively engage the world in getting the word out to end polio as the torch makes its way to ZERO cases! Help us carry the torch to the convention in Atlanta and finish the race.
Thank-you for all you are doing in the fight to END POLIO! We will see ZERO cases and the world will be free from polio because of you and Rotarians around the world!
For more information on the Rotary Torch, click here.
Robert Hall
Global Coordinator, End Polio Now Fundraising