Election of 2016/2017 Board
According to the By-Laws of the Rotary Club of Gros Islet, our Annual meeting of members to elect the board for the following Rotary year takes place in the first week of December of each year. The system that we have employed to date is that there is a Nominating Committee for the position of President Elect. At the current time we have a President Elect in the person of Rt. Astrid Mondesir (President for 2016/2017) - not open for vote at this election, and a Nominee for President (2017/2018) in the person of Rtn. Angela Clarke. The following positions on the Board for 2016/2017 will be up for election:
President Elect 2017/2018 This may be challenged but will require notice to the Secretary
President Nominee 2018/2019
Vice President
Seven Directors:
Service Projects
Club Administration
Public Relations
International Service
The Rotary Foundation
Youth Services
Other Board appointed positions include Community Service, Vocational Service and Sergeant at Arms