Editors Guide to Website and eBulletin users/readers
As many of you (or at least some of you) are not very experienced in the use of websites and the way they work, I have taken the liberty of providing some basic tips to hopefully make the experience more rewarding. Forgive me if you are already way ahead of me on this.
Please use your pointer (mouse) to hover over all links. If the pointer turns to a hand with a finger pointing at the link or simply shows a different colour, usually underlined, you can click on the link and it will take you to a relevant page. To return to where you were simply X the URL at the top of your screen that is active. For example: on the events link for DG visit, (see it is blue and underlined when you hover your pointer over the link) if you click on this you will go to a page that gives you the name and picture of the DG (Milton Inness from Barbados) and there you will see the programme for his visit. Further, if you see "read more" you can click on this and it will take you to a page with the whole story.